Fiberday in Graz 2014
data: 27.10.2014
categoria: infosphere
Eravamo presenti al simposio internazionale su costruzioni in fibra - accessi in banda lagra -NGA, a Graz 23.10.2014
Why everyone says FTTH is too expensive for rural areas?
- Infrastructure investments are not meant for fast payback!
- If someone wants to be a real infrastructure provider, then equity (like) capital must be invested (in rural areas)!
- Equity requires ROE, and not ROI! The inital investment must produce long term adequate return, but not repay itself (it is an investment for a long, undefined time). Equity will not be withdrawn from the operation.
- Fiber is misunderstood as too expensive because of improper investment source !!!
La presentazione intera la trovate sul link: Presentation Graz 23rdOctober2014-1.pdf